
Fuller Stone Care can provide expert sealing to protect your stone from stains.

Looking for a License to Spill? Get Professional Stone SealingNatural stone is an undeniably attractive material that makes a wonderful addition to any home or business. However, some property owners unnecessarily deny themselves the beauty of natural stone because they think stone is too high-maintenance. Homeowners may be particularly concerned about the possibility of staining their brand new stone kitchen countertops the first time they spill a drop of red wine or oil when cooking.

The fact of the matter is…

…you don’t have to live in fear of stains. You just have to seal your stone right and wipe up spills quickly.

Here are some important things to know about sealing natural stone.

Why Stones Need Sealing

Stones are vulnerable to staining because they are not as solid as they look. They are actually full of pores that can allow liquid to be absorbed beneath the surface of the stone. Once beneath the surface, the liquid may remain visible as a stain. By sealing the stone, you can make the stone less absorbent. This means you will have a better chance of wiping up a spill before it has a chance to penetrate and create a stain.

How to Tell If Your Stone Needs Sealing

Just about every type of stone commonly used for interior design (with the exception of slate) is porous and vulnerable to stains to some degree. Even if you have a stone that was advertised as being “resin-filled” or “pre-sealed” at the factory, it is still wise to consult an expert like Fuller Stone Care about the need for further treatment.

Staining and Etching Are Different

It is important to understand that sealing does not necessarily provide protection against etching. Though some people mistake etch marks for “stains,” the reality is that these unsightly dull marks on the stone are not caused by absorption, but by a chemical reaction between certain spilled liquids and the stone. Calcium-based stones like marble, limestone, and travertine are all vulnerable to etching from contact with acidic substances such as lemon juice. Sealing the stone will not prevent etching, though it may help minimize the damage if you are exceedingly quick to wipe up the spill.

How to Choose the Right Sealant

Not all sealants are created equal, and it is very important to make sure you get the best product for your specific situation. The most common mistake property owners make is getting a topical sealer rather than a penetrating sealer. A topical product will just sit on top of the stone, providing protection but also creating a barrier that can prevent the stone from breathing and cause discoloration. A penetrating product gets down into the pores to provide protection without surface residue or unwanted color changes.

Need Help Sealing Your Stone?

If you have any type of natural stone surface in your home, make sure it has maximum protection from stains by calling Fuller Stone Care at 310-944-9099. We will be happy to provide a free quote for the work.