
Learn What Dos and Don’ts of Travertine You Should Follow and Work with the Professionals for Help One of the most cherished stones in existence, travertine requires maintenance in order to maintain its beauty. About the dos and don’ts, read on. Call 310-944-9099 to speak with Fuller Stone Care about our range of services if you require assistance with maintaining travertine.

Do: Seal any travertine surfaces

Not only is sealing your travertine surface necessary, but it is also crucial to do it frequently. By sealing travertine, you significantly reduce the size of the stone’s pores, making it harder for dirt and filth to penetrate. Both cleaning and maintenance are simpler and last longer. We at Fuller Stone Carecan advise you on how frequently your travertine should be sealed.

Don’t: Use any old cleaner

For travertine, you should never use anything else than natural stone cleaning. You should make sure that any cleaning you use expressly states that it is safe for stone and that it is made for either marble or travertine. Otherwise, you may choose a product with chemical compounds that could generate a wax accumulation, which would make your travertine appear murky. The sealer on the travertine can actually dissolve when cleaned with any cleaner that contains vinegar or citrus, leaving unattractive scars.

Do: Use floor mats if the travertine is near a lot of foot traffic

Your travertine flooring may become scratched over time if it is in a high-traffic location like a kitchen where dirt and debris are constantly being tracked over it. Ask visitors to remove their shoes at the door and place floor mats at the entrance and exits. A high-quality floor mat may help keep most dirt and debris off your floor, giving you a better, more attractive floor.

Don’t: Wax

The best course of action is to have your travertine polished if you notice that it no longer shines as brightly as it once did. Too frequently, individuals think marble waxes are excellent choices for travertine when in fact they might stop the stone from breathing, which leads to additional issues. The wax may also serve as a trap for grime, hastening the travertine’s deterioration.

Do: Regularly sanitize your travertine floor

The best thing you can do for your floors, whether they are sealed or not, is to give them regular cleanings. Spills should be cleaned up right away, the floor should be frequently dusted, and dark substances, such as tomato sauce, should not be allowed to discolor the surface.

It’s time to call in the reliable professionals in the region if you require professional help with your travertine countertops or flooring. Travertine and other natural stones have been a part of our work at Fuller Stone Care for many years. Give us a call at 310-944-9099 so we can start working for you.