There’s a reason that natural stone is so popular: It’s beautiful. While we believe that’s reason enough to invest in it, there are other reasons that it’s worth the investment. One reason that homeowners often point to is the fact that it is extremely durable and can last for decades. However, this is only true as long as it’s properly maintained.
At Fuller Stone Care we provide a long list of natural stone care services. From staining to polishing, from restoration to cleaning – and even maintenance – we can do it all. However, there are still a few things you need to do at home to ensure that your stone will last much longer. More importantly, there are a few things you should never do. Read on to learn more about them and then contact us at 310-944-9099 to learn more about the professional services we can offer.
Don’t let your natural stone get dirty
When you’ve had a busy day or week, it can be tempting to skip your daily maintenance. However, remember that if there is dust, grit, or sand on the surface of your stone, it is acting as an abrasive. Every time you walk over said dust, grit, or sand, you are subtly etching your floor. Over time, this can have a big impact – and not one that you’ll like.
Don’t let spills sit
Of course, you are going to spill things on your natural stone once in a while. It does not have to be the end of the world – as long as you clean up the spill as soon as possible. Depending on the type of natural stone you have, and whether it is sealed or not, it could be very porous and any liquids could destroy it. Clean up the spill right away and contact Fuller Stone Care if it leaves a stain.
Don’t put glasses down without a coaster
If your natural stone is a surface on which you place glasses, plates, etc., then there are a few things to avoid. First, make sure that if you are putting glasses on it, you are using coasters. This is true of any glass with liquid in it but is especially true if the glass has alcohol or citrus juice in it. Acidic foods can also etch or dull the surface of the stone, especially marble, travertine, and onyx.
Don’t put hot items on the stone
If you are going to put something hot on the surface of your stone, make sure that you are using a trivet or mat so that the hot item does not come into direct contact with the stone. Even certain dishes that aren’t hot but are served in china, ceramics, or silver should use trivets or mats because they can scratch the surface of the stone.
Do you have additional questions about how to take care of your natural stone? Do you need help from the professionals? Contact Fuller Stone Care at 310-944-9099 to learn more.